What is the procedure for enrolling in the National Health Insurance program?

There are two types of enrollment in the National Health Insurance system.

[For Category 1 enrollment]
Make an application at the municipal/ward office of your residence (department responsible for the National Health Insurance and Pension programs) with the following documents:

(1) Document showing your MyNumber or your basic pension number
(2) Identification document (Residence Card, etc.)
(3) Shikaku Soshitsu Shomeisho (certificate of loss of qualification; a document showing the date you lost qualification for social insurance/pension) or Rishoku-hyo (separation notice), etc.
(4) Personal seal

[For voluntary enrollment]

Make an application at the municipal/ward office of your residence (department responsible for the National Health Insurance and Pension programs) with the following documents:
(1) Document showing your MyNumber or your basic pension number
(2) Identification document (Residence Card, etc.)
(3) Personal seal
(In addition to this procedure at the municipal office, you will need to go to a bank to apply for bank account transfer of the insurance premium.)

Please inquire at the municipal/ward office of your residence for details.
◆ For residents in Osaka City.


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