Medical Treatment
- How can I enroll in the National Health Insurance program?
- I quit my job and would like to enroll in the National Health Insurance program. What is the procedure required for this?
- I got a job and was enrolled in the company’s health insurance program, but received notification of the National Health Insurance premium. What should I do?
- I moved to Osaka City from another city and noticed that the National Health Insurance premium values are different. Why?
- Please explain about the lump-sum birth allowance of the Osaka City National Health Insurance program.
How can I enroll in the National Health Insurance program?
Please submit an application to the National Health Insurance counter at the municipal/ward office of your residence.
【When to apply】
Within 14 days of becoming eligible for National Health Insurance coverage (for example, the day you made your residence registration).
【Who should apply】
(a) If a member of the household is already enrolled in the National Health Insurance program: The head of the household, as shown on the National Health Insurance Certificate.
(b) If no one in the household belongs to the National Health Insurance program: The head of the household as shown on the residence registry
(c) If the head of the household in cases (a) and (b) cannot apply in person: A proxy should apply, with a power of attorney from the head of the household and identification document.
【Documents required】
Upon application, it will be necessary to enter the MyNumber of the head of the household and the applicant on the application form and to present MyNumber confirmation documents.
(1) Document for confirmation of MyNumber (MyNumber notification card, etc.)
(2) Identification document (Residence Card, etc.)
(3) Shiteisho (certificate of designation,for people with the status of residence “designated activities”)
※ If the initial period of residence is less than 3 months, a document is required that shows the applicant is to stay longer than 3 months (performance contract with agency, etc.).
※ You may be asked to show your passport.
Please inquire at the municipal/ward office of your residence for further details.
◆ For residents in Osaka City.
I quit my job and would like to enroll in the National Health Insurance program. What is the procedure required for this?
You should submit an application to the group in charge of the National Health Insurance program at the municipal/ward office of your residence.
【When to apply】
Within 14 days of leaving the company
【Documents required】
Upon application, it will be necessary to enter the MyNumber of the head of the household and the applicant on the application form and to present MyNumber confirmation documents.
(1) Document for confirmation of MyNumber (MyNumber notification card, etc.)
(2) Identification document (Residence Card, etc.)
(3) Personal seal (not necessary if the application is signed in person)
(4) Certificate of Loss of Eligibility for Coverage by Employee Health Insurance
※ If the applicant is not the head of the household, the application must be carried out by the head of the household.
※ The Certificate of Loss of Eligibility for Coverage by Employee Health Insurance can be obtained from the company (or the health insurance union of your former employer). If the company does not have a ready-made format for this document, the group in charge of the National Health Insurance and program at the municipal/ward office can provide a form that can be used for this purpose. (In the case of Osaka City, this form can be printed out from the Osaka City website.)
Please inquire at the municipal/ward office of your residence for further details.
◆ For residents in Osaka City.
I got a job and was enrolled in the company’s health insurance program, but received notification of the National Health Insurance premium. What should I do?
Please submit a notification of termination of National Health Insurance coverage to the National Health Insurance counter at the municipal/ward office of your residence.
※ Enrollment in a company’s employee health insurance program does not automatically cancel your National Health Insurance coverage.
【Documents required】
It will be necessary to write the MyNumber of the head of the household and the applicant on the application form and to present MyNumber confirmation documents.
(1) Document for confirmation of MyNumber (MyNumber notification card, etc.).
(2) Identification document (Residence Card, etc.)
(3) Personal seal (not necessary if the application is signed in person)
(4) National Health Insurance Certificate
(5) Certificate of the company’s health insurance program (or a certificate that you are qualified to join the company’s health insurance program)
※ Following this procedure, your National Health Insurance premium will be calculated retroactively to the date your coverage was discontinued, and you will be reimbursed or billed for the difference resulting from this calculation.
Please inquire at the municipal/ward office of your residence for further details.
◆ For residents in Osaka City.
I moved to Osaka City from another city and noticed that the National Health Insurance premium values are different. Why?
It is because the National Health Insurance premium is calculated with different formulas depending on the municipality.
The National Health Insurance program is managed by each municipality with the premium paid by the participants and disbursements from the national government. The number of participants, age composition, medical costs to be covered by the National Health Insurance program differ in each municipality, and consequently, the insurance premium required to manage the program is different from city to city.
Please inquire at the municipal/ward office of your residence for details.
◆ For residents in Osaka City.
Please explain about the lump-sum birth allowance of the Osaka City National Health Insurance program.
【Persons eligible】
Persons covered by the insurance and giving birth in or after the 12th week of pregnancy (including stillbirth or miscarriage)
【Paid amount】
The value of the lump-sum birth allowance is 404,000 yen (or 420,000 yen if the birth occurs in or after the 22nd week of gestation at a medical institution participanting in the Japan Obstetric Compensation System).
【Application procedure】
The applicant can choose to have the payment made directly to the medical institution. In this case, there is no need to make an application. (If the medical cost is smaller than the value of the lump-sum birth allowance, you should apply to receive the difference.)
【Documents required】
National Health Insurance Certificate, personal seal, Mother and Child Health booklet, bankbook of the account in the name of the head of household (or other document indicating the account details for the bank transfer procedure).
Please inquire at the municipal/ward office of your residence for details.
◆ For residents in Osaka City.